I'm consolidating my hefty reading projects here, so that readers can follow along with me. A few years ago I made it a goal to write a short review of everything I read in addition to logging it in Goodreads; this is now available to you as a resource!
I'd love to start some kind of interactive book club, comment on books, etc. - so please feel free to leave comments, add what I'm reading, suggest new titles you think I'd like, and more. I envision this space as an interactive literary community, so pipe in! One awesome suggestion: my favorite ever virtual book club, Around The World in 80 Books. We are reading a variety of works from around the world as an act of resistance, and our discussions are fruitful and inspiring. It's also a free activity done in your free time - about the easiest group participation imaginable!
Thanks so much for following -
2018 Reading Challenge
Becki has
read 28 books toward
her goal of
100 books.
Becki's bookshelf: read
This book has been talked up by so many people so I came to it with relatively high expectations. What a disappointment! I really didn't feel like there was a unique value to any of the insight in here. Some of the case studies are inter...
I feel like I've seen references to this book all over the place recently so I felt the impetus to pick it up, mostly to learn about the morning pages (which are universally recommended by anyone who's tried the tactic it seems). Little ...
I've been faithfully reading Ms. Marvel for a while - love her! - and my guy turned me on to this new anthology. Think of it like The Avengers but with all of the new young re-booted superheroes. Like the Ms. Marvel books, this felt scre...
I didn't *love* Molly Sims' first book so I'm not sure why I felt I needed to read this. I really struggled to finish. This is such a hodgepodge of things. On reflection I feel this was really written for the stay-at-home Pinterest mommy...
My least favorite Pollan, mostly because it felt like a re-hash of his previous books. Still good content though if you haven't read his work.
Another great one from Pollan. Don't love quite as vividly as Botany of Desire, but this book is still greatness!
Not sure why I hadn't ever marked this as read - it's one of my absolute favorites! Michael Pollan is a brilliant writer and his books changed my life, 'nuf said. If you haven't read this, what are you waiting for?!
I blitzed straight through this and it couldn't have come at a better time, as we are seeing Black Panther next week. I loved this female-centric story of Wakanda. I'm so enjoying how superhero stories are moving beyond fluff to really s...
I liked this even better than Binti #1, which is saying something - it's an incredible continuation of the series that beautifully connects Binti's new and old worlds. There is a lot of Ursula LeGuin in the Binti books, but in a fresher,...
I decided to kick off my 2018 reading year with this gorgeous children’s book. The plot is pretty bland- really just slowly describing the basic ways that elements on and above earth interconnect- but appealing and good for young kids. T...

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